Entry by Snowball
Today Old Major called all of us animals into the barn for a meeting, which sort of surprised us, because he seemed to be fading slowly before our very eyes!Apparently he had had a strange dream the night before and wished to talk about it.
I agree with Old Major!! The source of all our troubles here at Manor Farm is man. They use our hard work to their advantage, and hardly ever even feed us. They are greedy and wicked! Without man, the subject of all our troubles would be over!!
Old Majors main message to us was rebellion! He encourages a rebellion. Chasing man off of Manor Farm, and working it ourselves.
I will follow Old Majors thoughts perfectly! With out man we will be so much happier! All men are enemies! All animals are comrades!
Old Major gave us several rules that runs as follows" No animal must live in a house, smoke tobacco, sleep in a bed, engage in trade, wear clothes, touch money, or drink alcohol. All habits of man are evil!
He concluded his speech by singing a song called "The Beasts of England". What a wonderful and heartfelt song! I would copy it down, but I do not have it fully memorized yet! My favorite lines are: 'tyrant man shall be o'er thrown' and 'the golden future time'! When man is overthrown our future will look good!
I think most of left the main barn with full minds and plenty to think about!
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